Computer Science Department:
The Computer Science Department hosts a cluster of 36 dual Pentium-III machines and six 450Mhz Xeon quad-processor SMPs. Each of these machines is connected by two 100Mb/s Ethernet interfaces to a Lucent Cajun 550 switch with 22~Gb/s backplane bandwidth.
Mathematics Department:
The Mathematics Department has recently purchased a 50-node Beowulf cluster.
Chemical Engineering:
The Materials Research Laboratory (MRL) at UCSB hosts a 16-node Beowulf cluster composed of 500Mhz and 600Mhz machines to which several of us have access.
Mechanical and Environmental Engineering Department:
Several of the CSE faculty in the Mechanical and Environmental Engineering Department have access to a 20-processor SGI Origin 3400 with 10 GB memory and about 1TB storage.
The Materials Research Laboratory (MRL):
The Materials Research Laboratory (MRL) at UCSB hosts a 16-node Beowulf cluster composed of 500Mhz and 600Mhz machines to which several of us have access.